Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Veteran Programs

The Kentucky Office of Employment and Training offices have local veterans employment representatives and disabled veteran outreach specialists assigned to assist veterans with their employment and training needs. These veterans work with the employment services to provide veterans with priority services designed to improve their employ ability and career options. Employers is your local area will list any and all job openings. They will provide with a descriptions of the jobs that are available. You will need to provide information relating to your work history, experience, and skills along with any special training and education that you may have received. If you have any problems you can visit your local office and they can help you register any information on line. In addition to the staff conducting job searches for you, the computer system can automatically match your qualifications with the employer's needs. When you are qualified and are recommended for the job your Local Veteran Representatives will contact you. You may also be contacted by the automated phone notification system to arrange a job referral that will hopefully result with your employment.

Job Search Assistance:

Resume Preparation
Resource Materials
Job Search Workshops
Interviewing Techniques
Internet Access
Labor Market Information
Self Assessment
Eligible Training Providers

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