Wednesday, April 16, 2008


SRTS is Kentucky's federally funded program for Safe Routes to School. Kentucky is one of the ten jurisdictions participating in the national partnership network project. The program is managed by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. The SRTS is the source for state for state coordinator contact details, federal SRTS funding amounts, SRTS applications and guidelines, and state SRTS program information. The program brings to attention bicycle safety and the aspect of pedestrian safety. Safety education and infrastructure are important because there are children that may walk or ride bikes to school without adult supervision if they are within living distance of the schools. It is important that all be aware of the safety of others. Some schools have even constructed Walking School Bus routes that lead to the Elementary schools. The Kentucky Bicycle and Bike way Commission was created in 1992 as part of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and consists of seven members all appointed by the Governor. The Commission supports "share the road" campaign. Share the road is an annual road rally that encourages bicyclists, walkers, and runners of all ages to show support for safe roadways.

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